King of Kings House


The mission of King of Kings House Inc. is to reach out and offer a second chance to individuals who have made the wrong choices in life and are serious about making a positive change. Our goal is to restore hope and give individuals an opportunity rebuild their lives and become productive members of their communities.

                WHO WE ARE

King of Kings House Inc. is a faith based non-profit organization that is designed to provide services to individuals who are in need of a second chance. Through our out-reach efforts we connect homeless individuals who are struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction with support services that help them make a clean start. Individuals are linked with organizations that provide housing, job training, life coaching; and become proactive in community service. 


  • Feed the hungry program
  • Winter coat giveaway
  • Street team out-reach
  • pamphlet and information handouts
  • assistance with housing placement
  • Job readiness
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Giving back to Community

Change begins on not undoing the old, but on building on the new. King of Kings House is dedicated to rebuilding lives through community service and positive change.



King of Kings House  Inc. was founded in 2014 by Minister Keith Lewis. Minister Lewis grew up In Washington DC.  His neighborhood was a troubled and distressed community; plagued with gang violence, drugs, and prostitution. After spending 30 years in and out of the Dept of Corrections, Minister Lewis had a God encounter that turned his life around.  Since his release, he has become a model citizen;  got married, and started a family.  he had an epiphany that he could be a vital instrument in helping to solve some of the problems, that ravished his community and improve the quality of life while bringing meaningful changes to the lives of others who were heading down that road. His ministry has taken him back to the streets, he began talking to gang members and homeless transients. He began volunteering in community clean-up projects, assisting the elderly with daily tasks, and helping others find housing, jobs, and community resources. Today King of King House has successfully contributed to making communities a safer place for families.

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